Welcome to Boostify Media

Elevating Your Brand to New Heights

At Boostify Media, we are not just a marketing company; we are your partner in propelling your brand to greater success. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to empower your business with a strong identity, engaging content, and effective strategies. Stand out in the digital landscape and make your mark in the industry.

how it started

Mazi Bordbar's pioneering led to founding Boostify Media, inspiring innovation and impacting industries and entrepreneurs.

Mazi Bordbar, a visionary entrepreneur who ignited a transformational journey from modest beginnings to remarkable achievements. With an innate passion for creativity and a resilient spirit, Mazi disrupted the norms of branding, marketing, and design.

Starting with a dream and a thirst for knowledge, Mazi’s pioneering approach seamlessly merged aesthetics with strategy. Overcoming challenges, he founded Boostify Media to share his vision and empower brands to excel.

Mazi’s legacy is an inspiration to embrace innovation, push boundaries, and empower others. His story reminds us that from humble beginnings, remarkable journeys can unfold, leaving an indelible mark on industries and aspiring entrepreneurs alike.


Elevate your brand with Boostify Media

Branding Package

Your brand is more than just a logo or a color scheme. It's the essence of your business. Our branding experts craft a cohesive brand identity that resonates with your target audience, leaving a lasting impression at every touchpoint.

Logo Design

A logo is the visual cornerstone of your brand's identity. Our skilled designers create logos that capture your company's values and uniqueness, ensuring your brand is instantly recognizable and memorable.

Website Development

In today's digital age, your website is often the first interaction customers have with your brand. Our web development team creates stunning, user-friendly websites that not only look great but also drive results and provide an exceptional user experience.

Building Personal Brand

Whether you're an individual looking to establish yourself as an expert or a thought leader, we help you curate a personal brand that sets you apart and garners trust and respect in your field.

Building Business Brand

Your business brand is the cornerstone of your success. We work with you to develop a robust brand strategy that aligns with your goals, resonates with your audience, and positions you as a leader in your industry.

Post Production of Content Videos

Captivating video content is a powerful tool for engaging your audience. Our post-production experts enhance your raw footage, creating compelling videos that tell your brand story and leave a lasting impact.

Infographics and YouTube Video Thumbnails

Visual content grabs attention and conveys information effectively. We craft eye-catching infographics and YouTube video thumbnails that drive clicks, views, and shares, expanding your reach and influence.

Offshore Talent Recruitment

Finding the right talent can be a game-changer for your business. Our offshore talent recruitment services connect you with skilled professionals who can contribute to your projects, helping you achieve your goals efficiently.

Why Choose Boostify Media?

We take your brand to elevated heights.

Through our expertise and dedication, we guide your brand to achieve elevated heights. Our tailored strategies and innovative approach ensure that your brand reaches new levels of success and recognition.

Creativity and Innovation

We thrive on creative thinking and innovative approaches, ensuring your brand stays ahead of the curve.

Experienced Team

Our team comprises experts in various facets of marketing, design, and development, bringing a wealth of experience to every project.

Tailored Solutions

Your brand is unique, and so are our solutions. We tailor our services to align with your specific needs and objectives.


We don't just focus on aesthetics; we focus on achieving measurable results that contribute to your brand's growth.


Your satisfaction is our priority. We maintain open communication and collaboration throughout the project to exceed your expectations.

Our Work

Here, we proudly showcase the culmination of our dedication, creativity, and expertise. Dive into a collection of projects that exemplify our commitment to excellence in digital transformation.

Elevate your brand with Boostify Media.

Contact us today to embark on a journey of transformation and success.

    Let's Boostify your brand together!

    Contact us today to embark on a journey of transformation and success. ​

    Why Choose Boostify Media?

    We take your brand to elevated heights.

    Through our expertise and dedication, we guide your brand to achieve elevated heights. Our tailored strategies and innovative approach ensure that your brand reaches new levels of success and recognition.

    Creativity and Innovation

    We thrive on creative thinking and innovative approaches, ensuring your brand stays ahead of the curve.

    Experienced Team

    Our team comprises experts in various facets of marketing, design, and development, bringing a wealth of experience to every project.

    Tailored Solutions

    Your brand is unique, and so are our solutions. We tailor our services to align with your specific needs and objectives.


    We don't just focus on aesthetics; we focus on achieving measurable results that contribute to your brand's growth.


    Your satisfaction is our priority. We maintain open communication and collaboration throughout the project to exceed your expectations.